Week 3 Prompt: Using Novelist
1. I am looking for a book by Laurell K. Hamilton. I just read the third book in the Anita Blake series and I can’t figure out which one comes next! Let's pretend that I don't know this series backwards and forwards for a second (off the top of my head, you just read Circus of the Damned and up next is The Lunatic Cafe ), and we'll take a look at how to find this info via Novelist! So, first things first. We need to find out what the third book is in the Anita Blake series. So, let's search Laurell K. Hamilton on Novelist. Novelist automatically attempts to populate LKH as an author in its predictive text, so we can get to her pretty easily. When we scroll down on Laurell K. Hamilton's Novelist Author page, we'll find a tab labeled "Series." This tab shows us the different series that Hamilton has authored. The first one listed is the Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series. Once we select that, we can see the order of the books and find out whi...